Ciao, stavo facendo come volo libero il volo mAVT0001 A
HO fatto tutto il volo in VFR, fatto partire medacars e arrivato al parcheggio con scritto fase volo 6 inserito freni di parcheggio,s pento il cessna e fatto STOP LOG.
E' uscito l'errore FSInterface log non completo.
Provando ad inviare i dettagli al sito mi esce la scritta ERRORE LOG NON COMPLETO.
Come mai?
Questa la trascrizione del mio log e da medacars sono passato in tutte le fasi del volo senza problemi:
[2017/11/29 10:50] MEDacars by Roger - ver: 6.2 FS Version: FSX Matr: MED433 Flight IATA: MAVT0001A Aircraft FP: CN1 Cessna light aircraft - single piston engine Aircraft FS: Cessna Skyhawk 172SP G1000 Departing Airport: LIBP - Pescara Destination Airport: LIPV - San Nicolo Alternate Airport: LIPZ - Venezia Tessera Online: No Route: ANCONA - RIMINI - CHIOGGIA - PORTO DI MALAMOCCO Flight Rules: VFR 10:50 Start log - real UTC time: 29/11/2017 08:13 10:50 ZFW: 0.91 kg.x1000 (1,991 lbs), start log Fuel: 142 kg (312 lbs) 10:51 Total Fuel Start: 142 Kg (312 lbs) 10:51 Taxi from the gate 10:56 ZFW al decollo: 905 kg. (1,991 lbs) 10:56 Take Off - VR = 64 knots V2= 79 knots 10:56 Take Off - real UTC time: 29/11/2017 08:18 10:56 Take Off - Fs time : 29/11/2017 10:56 10:56 Take-off total weight: 2304.02 lbs, Fuel Weight: 141 Kg (310 lbs) 10:56 wind: 80 deg at 7 knots heading: 34 deg 10:56 POS N42° 25´ 56´´ E014° 10´ 64´´ 11:05 Wind: 200 deg at 8 knots - HDG: 333 deg - GS: 105 knots - Alt: 5250ft 11:05 Miles to dest 181 nm - ETE: 01:43 - Fuel Weight: 136 kg (299 lbs) 11:20 Wind: 231 deg at 14 knots - HDG: 329 deg - GS: 118 knots - Alt: 5948ft 11:20 Miles to dest 152 nm - ETE: 01:17 - Fuel Weight: 130 kg (286 lbs) 11:35 Wind: 258 deg at 15 knots - HDG: 328 deg - GS: 112 knots - Alt: 6034ft 11:35 Miles to dest 123 nm - ETE: 01:06 - Fuel Weight: 124 kg (273 lbs) 11:50 Wind: 267 deg at 16 knots - HDG: 323 deg - GS: 108 knots - Alt: 6008ft 11:50 Miles to dest 96 nm - ETE: 00:53 - Fuel Weight: 118 kg (260 lbs) 12:05 Wind: 264 deg at 18 knots - HDG: 322 deg - GS: 109 knots - Alt: 5980ft 12:05 Miles to dest 69 nm - ETE: 00:37 - Fuel Weight: 111 kg (244 lbs) 12:20 Wind: 267 deg at 18 knots - HDG: 322 deg - GS: 107 knots - Alt: 5911ft 12:20 Miles to dest 43 nm - ETE: 00:23 - Fuel Weight: 105 kg (231 lbs) 12:35 Wind: 264 deg at 23 knots - HDG: 2 deg - GS: 122 knots - Alt: 5932ft 12:35 Miles to dest 18 nm - ETE: 00:09 - Fuel Weight: 98 kg (216 lbs) 12:47 Land - real UTC time: 29/11/2017 10:09 12:47 Land - FS time : 29/11/2017 12:47 12:47 POS N45° 25´ 60´´ E012° 23´ 03´´ 12:47 Land TouchDown rate: -394 ft/min Speed: 51 knots 12:47 wind: 168 deg at 2 knots heading: 61 deg 12:47 ZFW all'atterraggio: 905 kg. (1,990 lbs) 12:47 Landing weight: 2200.9 lbs, Fuel Weight: 95 12:47 Fuel Scalar: 0.88 12:47 Cruise IAS limit: 115 12:47 Mach Limit: 0 12:47 Stall (flaps up): 53 12:47 Stall (full flaps): 48 12:48 Arrived to the gate 12:48 Total Fuel Stop: 142 Kg (312 lbs) 12:48 Stop log - real UTC time: 29/11/2017 10:10
Attendo vostre notizie su come fare e poi partire per la parte B del volo.
La cosa più veloce da fare (e probabilmente anche l'unica) è rifare il volo Probabilmente si tratta di un'anomalia di comunicazione tra MDA e FS che raramente capita....
Proud Member and founder of "The Medit Topa Club" Vice Admin Forum - Master Captain Hub Roma Sr. Hub Captain Aeroporto "L. Da Vinci" PPL(A) - Rated on C172